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北京曼陀罗之丘 • 数字艺术博物馆 | 一本造建筑工作室
来源: | 作者:编辑部 | 发布时间: 2025-03-09 | 547 次浏览 | 分享到:


Mandalas Pop-up Digital Art Museum is an inner garden, as well as a utopian city drifting in metropolises.This temporary building, though exhibited in the most bustling urban center of Beijing, provides a completely inward and isolated space.

Mandala Pop-up Museum-Nan Xueqian39.jpg

Mandala Pop-up Museum-Nan Xueqian7.jpg

▲ 鸟瞰图 ©Nan Xueqian 


Its external layout is arranged like a labyrinth. The staggered steps surprise visitors with a perspective illusion, motivating their physical interaction with the building. Mingling with façade lines that resemble the skylines of Namcha Barwa, the unadorned stones isolate the building from the full-blown metropolitan atmosphere, as if it were from outer space.It is a building that contains numerous uncertainties, fortuities, and surprises. 


▲ 迷宫般的台阶 ©Nan Xueqian

沉浸式体验 Immersing Art and Architecture



As a temporary building for digital art exhibition, Mandalas Pop-up Digital Art Museum responds gracefully to the exhibition inside. It is designed for this specific theme – Himalaya culture & art, in order to bring immersing experience, create new relationships between people and space. It is the most important difference between Mandalas Pop-up Digital Art Museum and other traditional museums. 

In a closed building with a length of more than fifty meters, a height of less than five meters, and a width of less than nine meters, the architect tries to provide various kinds of experience. While moving around the building, visitors encounter different surprises. It is just like walking in a garden, where each person discovers their own path.


On the two sides facing the shops and the street, the architect made different efforts. For one thing, he ensured enough space for the shops to open as usual. For another, he strived for rich space expressions in a cramped place through very small actions. In terms of the five architectural dimensions, the building either squeezes or retreats from the urban space on its two sides, keeping itself apart but not afar.

  • 浙景杭协



